Since the field of dielectric elastomeric transducers is rather new, standardized measurement methods do not exist yet. Fraunhofer LBF collaborates on the creation of the first guidelines for the characterization of dielectric elastomeric transducers. For this, electrical, mechanical and electromechanical properties are determined with defined electrical and mechanical boundary conditions and are described in the frequency and time range. If needed, these examinations can be conducted dependent on the temperature.
[1] F. Carpi, I. Anderson, S. Bauer G. Frediani, G. Gallone, M. Gei, Ch. Graaf, C. Jean-Mistral, W. Kaal, G. Kofod, M. Kollosche, R. Kornbluh, B. Lassen, M. Matysek, S. Michel, S. Nowak, B. O’Brien, Q. Pei, R. Pelrine, B. Rechenbach, S. Rosset, H. Shea, Standards for dielectric elastomer transducers, Smart Materials and Structures 24 (10) (2015)
Some typical metrological connections include:
Actuator deflection at different mechanical preloads
Actuator force in fixed conditions
Quantification of the electromechanical non-linearity
Capacity in dependence of preload and/or deflection
Actuator deflection at a specific frequency or cycle number
Quantification of non-linearity or harmonic distortion factor